
Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Career Path

I have been reflecting a lot about what I want to do after I graduate and there are two areas that really get me excited, Academic Advising and working with underrepresented students. I've obviously been thinking a lot about it because I am aware that my job search is going to be starting soon. I find it very interesting how much my passions have changed since I started the program. When I started this program, I was so passionate about working in student life: clubs/organizations, Greek Life, student activities, or orientation programs. I was so sure that this is where I would end up working after graduation. After getting experience working with Greek Life during my first year, I realized that this is not where my passion is after all. I realized that I was passionate about my undergraduate experience with student life and I thought this passion would translate to any university. I learned that this is not true after all. I am not saying that my experience in my first-year working with Greek Life was not fulfilling, but it became clear to me that this is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. This reflection brought me back to a conversation I had with a student affairs professional at USD at the beginning of the semester. She mentioned that many students in our program apply for positions in student activities or Greek Life because of experiences during undergrad. This was a definite "Ah ha" moment for me because I realized that this was why I thought I wanted to have a career in Greek Life. I got so much out of my experience in Greek Life that I thought I would want to continue working with it. I now know that my experience with Greek Life will continue as an alumnae advisor to my sorority.

It is now clear to me where my passions really are. This has become even more clear to me with my current position. Although I am not doing academic advising per say, I am working with students on academic skills and it has made me realize how much I enjoy working with students in the area of academics. I think what really draws me to a position as an academic advisor is that I can work with students on their academics and tie in my passions during my undergraduate career of getting involved on campus. I envision myself being an advisor that students can come to all throughout the semester, not just when it's time to make their schedules. I also want to tie in my work in the Center for Student Success for students who may be struggling academically. I want to be a holistic advisor to students and a resource for them to turn to. All of these desires translate to my work with underrepresented students as well. I would love to work for a TRIO program of some sort. In these positions I would be working with students academically as well, which is what really draws me to a position like this.

It is clear that my passions fall into the field of academic affairs and not student affairs. Because of this, I have been struggling a lot lately with whether or not to attend the NASPA conference in March. I always just assumed I would go because I felt like I had to go, but now I am wondering if it is even worth it for me to go. I have talked with everyone in my office about this, but I do feel it's still something I need to think about. I just feel like there are other opportunities out there that I would get more value out of. I just need to find those opportunities.

I am grateful for all the opportunities that I've had so far because they have allowed me to realize where my passions really lie.


  1. Nice work. Although there does come a time when you need to make a decision and it is important to be purposeful, if you pursue your aspirations relentlessly the rest will take care of itself.

  2. I have been having a difficult time myself with this issue and it is so nice to find someone I can relate to. I am a first year grad student and my GA is with student activities. I had such a great undergraduate experience with student activities and I like what I am doing. However, my passion for it just isn't the same. I am hoping maybe to get some experience through a practicum or maybe volunteering in a more academic area. Good luck with everything!
